The outcome: Lethal. It aint your out of the box DnD 5.
The setup: Traveling north, the rid Jaq of her madness of possession, the group enters the hinterlands. It begins to snow one night - earlier than normal in the season, and Taelin volunteers to to a foraging party (Kye and Harahd) out for the unprepared Inn they are staying at. They are attacked by a Oathbreaker Paladin (8th level), 4 skeletons in a shield wall, and 8 zombies. Its misty - partial cover until within 30'
Character state final:
Harahd made 3 death saves and will live
Talein will live with the boost from his soul gem
Kye was the last man standing
Harahd made 3 death saves and will live
Talein will live with the boost from his soul gem
Kye was the last man standing
Took about 40 minutes - this could be less once everyone is used to things.
The adjusted rule on critical works great.
The new minor weapon rule tweaks are cool and somewhat realistic (armor protection)
Shield rules are more comprehensive
None of the new rules slowed the game down.
Rule of Averages works great - combat is much sped up.
Took about 40 minutes - this could be less once everyone is used to things.
The adjusted rule on critical works great.
The new minor weapon rule tweaks are cool and somewhat realistic (armor protection)
Shield rules are more comprehensive
None of the new rules slowed the game down.
Rule of Averages works great - combat is much sped up.
Dislike of the passive AC system - Larry to do some analysis on turning dodge and evade into more active/direct application and get back to us.
Dislike that surprise and behind dont give more advantages than "advantage - a re-roll"
Other rules getting formed...
Incarna Chi becomes ki now.
Mystic becomes magical (was already in process)
Preferred Weapon will grant a +2 initiative, +1 damage (1 CP) can only have one? Unless fighter.Leadership can make it seem like weapons held are preferred?
Durable now becomes absorbs 1 pt of damage; cost X10
Pulverizing: built to rend materials; drops armor rating by 1 more when used to defelct; half damage to target is rendered useless - or negates non magical damage resistance
Armor could be made with resistance to certain damage
Keep Ethereal qualities of phstasmal and ghostly? Lets get Monster Manual and see?
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