Incarna Worlds

Incarna Worlds
Incarna Worlds

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Are we converting existing characters?

The short and long answer is yes.

There will be several pages on a variety of subjects for conversion of existing characters specific facets.

There will also be pages on converting Incarna concepts into a DnD 5th edition home brew variant, representing the contents of this blogger site - at which time the site will be archived and retired.

Have a skill will grant a +1 (adjusted levels 1-3) or +2 (levels 4+). A skill with base proficiency 4+ (without bonuses) will grant you expertise (double proficiency bonus) regarding that skill (if its a lor, its the knowledge, not the base skill; ex; Lore Dunstrand 4+1 means you make a History skill check in DnD and if its related to Lore: Dunstrand, you get double your proficiency bonus).

See Converting Attributes to DnD abilities

See Converting Traits to DnD



Unknown said...

I did a fast conversion of one character - Jack/Jaq
CHA = 18
WIS = 10
CON = 17
STR = 15
INT = 14
DEX = 16
SAN = 10

2 levels of Bard (inspiring)
1 level of Warlock (the olde gods)
5 levels of Fighter (Champion path)

= an 8th level character

there is a lot more to consider, specific abilities and skills, but thats the basics. Not bad the way it comes out.

Unknown said...

I would be interested how Taelin would convert, as he is the other longest surviving character out there with lots of points all over the place with skills and traits

Unknown said...

The 1 level of Warlock was a "gift" from Malek, and my character is about as old as yours, so i would estimate yours as about 8 as well. I'll be posting a lot more tonight on converting.

Unknown said...

In regards to Taelin, we never resolved CP after the last game, so if no group pool, he has 3 CP, but at this point that could be all moot. I guess converting he would be a ranger as that is what he is. But the biggest question is and how would a Elven Soul Gen convert, and would our half elves have that Fey ancestry, and any other D&D elven stuff? And how do all the energy pools convert? And the Forrestal connection, enhanced senses, and all the assorted things Taelin has developed along the way? Also, the Radiance Bond! Anyway, this change gives me new excitement to play Taelin again, as it would be almost like a new character, but still being with an old friend..yes, Taelin doesn't have any other aptitude except for Kinetic (where Jaq got her Occult of 1 from Malek) though the Soul Gem and Radiance Bond has allowed me to dabble on the magic/faith/nature thing a bit more than the typical apt 5 kinetic. And his new faith to our fire goddess and patroness, Merkaine! I still have a couple skills and updates that are still not reflected on the published Incarna site (despite my many emails...not blaming, just wanting to make sure everything is reflected in the conversion when it is finalized). I can send those to you later, or drop off my character sheet over the weekend.

Unknown said...

ok, I checked my records and I had 1 saved CP and if we got 3 CP from the last session, that would give me 4 CP..I was going to ask if preferred weapon or similar mechanic will still be used, and I could have used the cp for gravewolds ax and ork hater, but now that I have 4 CP, I could use that to raise Talein's melee to a 4. Would that me relevant (I have documentation for all of this, sent emails and such). Or I could raise his survival to a 4.

Unknown said...

more thoughtful conversion of one character - Jack/Jaq
CHA = 18
WIS = 10
CON = 17 +3
STR = 15
INT = 13
DEX = 16
SAN = 10

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Human

1 ability buy (bardic inspiration)
1 ability buy (basic martial arts - monk; total brawler!)
1 ability buy: Lore: Dunstrand +1
+ other lores
2 levels in rogue [2,4]
1 level of Warlock (the olde gods) [5]
5 levels of Fighter (Champion path) [1,3,6,7,8]
HD: 5, 6, 7, 1, 8, 8, 2, 9 = 44 +24 = 68 HP

= an 8th level character

Unknown said...

I think that i will have to convert each character 1 at a time, and create and formalize corresponding abilities. You might lose some, i know Jaq will/did... they become more flavoring.

Radiance bond would give damage resistance to Radiant damage, +1 on any reactions check, +1 Persuade skill, and +1 on any healing effects

Unknown said...

ok, I will bring things over to have at least all of Taelin's skills up to date for the complete transfer over - I guess fleshing out and finishing Jaq will help in the process for everyone

Unknown said...

You have to love those "gifts" from Malek. But hey as the saying goes "Pray to the gods and you might be answered. Shit on a god and you WILL get an answer!" Im going to do the same as Tom and convert Sankofa over. Im thinking it will be something of a task though. Wish me Good luck.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'll create a page for each character linked from this post and work on converting on how i would see it; Taelin, Sankofa, Jack have starter pages (not finished at all)

Unknown said...

I read further into the manual and came to realize that, while the Nakrians don't call the Medicine Man a druid, he has a Totem Animal and a tie to a spirit of his homeland. This also makes the conversion easier, because there's an underdark circle too.

Unknown said...

OK so I just went back to the conversion page and see that I have to take a level of Cleric (Beast Lord), and a level of Warlock (Fey)? Whats up with that?