Incarna Worlds

Incarna Worlds
Incarna Worlds

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

How do I translate Incarna concepts into DnD 5th edition?

The "Incarna" flavor/variant of DnD 5th Edition.

The blogger platform will handle all the discussions and development of this process.

The new Incarna WordPress site will handle the final conversion/translation details as a published set of home brew rules.

This post will contain links to other posts and pages which details out the concept conversions. 


Overall Difficulty

This is increased in the Incarna variant. Incarna uses the "gritty realism" variant for the rests and regaining of powers.

  • Long Rest: 7 days
  • Short Rest: 1 night

Minor Feat = Trait

A feat from the PHB but without the ability adjustment.


Alignment is nothing more than a Code of Conduct (its likely to be one of the foundations for gaining Inspiration uses - think of them like Action Points).


Converting Incarna Attributes to 5th edition DnD abilities

Role vs. Roll Play

In terms of 5th Edition aspects...
The Role of The Dice: Middle Ground - see DMG p.236

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